Friday, 27 April 2012


It's time for the Opus Garage Sale on Saturday where you can buy art supplies at very discounted prices.  So much for going out to the beach to hunt for treasures!  That's right!  It is here, in Canada, and about to becoming home to metal detector!  Guess I will have to go hunting after the sale.  Tonight I will be making out my list of those painting supplies I plan to need for the year.  You never know what will be at the sale except that frames, canvasses, and brushes are usually the most sought after.  I'd better take some measurements of the paintings I have finished just in case there are frames to fit them.  Hope I have better luck than the Vancouver Library Book Sale.  Took the Skytrain downtown from work and back with only one, very small, but very old Chow Chow book from the 1930's.  It was the ONLY breed specific book I could find.  Next month is the BIG SALE in Victoria.  Just might make a weekend of it, take the dog over, shop, then ferry to Mayne Island to visit my Mom.  Could do a lot of treasure hunting there on the beaches.  hmmmm.....

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