Monday, 16 April 2012

The Waiting Game

Take it all back!  So they did.  Just when my hopes were high that a new "me" might emerge out of solitude and despair, an email arrives telling me my order has been cancelled.  Cancelled?!  What the heck!?  No reason given which left me perplexed and somewhat worried over the fate of my cyber dollars.  (p.s. they are safe)  So where to go now?  After spending several hours searching the bowels of the www I found a company in Langley that might (fingers crossed here) have what I need IN STOCK.  I may even have the "thingy" by the weekend if all goes as planned.  I don't want to disappoint my senior friends who were as excited as I about the prospects of hunting about for the fortune that awaits us underneath our feet.  Stay tuned...  

This blog-thing could have some unexpected drawbacks.  You see, I thought that I would merrily post my ramblings and rants and nobody would notice.  Just to get things off my chest and perhaps make me feel better in doing so.  Well...I do have SOME friends who do know how to find me and are willing to read what I write.  Take my Whippet friend...hmmm, brings back memories of trying to sleep with 4 Whippets and 1 Great Pyrenees sprawled across my bed with me suffocating underneath...but I digress..she commented on my latest blog recommending me to the sport of geocaching.  (pause here while I scramble to find the link for the website I'm about to refer you to)  Done.  Imagine a real, live treasure hunt that doesn't involve switching on the 'puter and dragging a mouse across the screen.  This is outdoors!  In case you have forgotten what that is (and how many hours have YOU spent on the 'puter today?) it is that place where we go to get fresh air and liquid sunshine, at least in these parts at this time of the year.  Found out that a cache is only a half a kilometre from here but I don't yet have the means (GPS) to find it.  Now, how frustrating is that?  I am feeling another shopping trip coming on....

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