Monday, 23 April 2012

Won't you join me?

I'm bored.  That is no surprise to anyone who knows me.  I seek to find keep me entertained and in "the loop".  I seek the companionship of strangers who share the same interests and passions that I enjoy.  Guess that is why I have joined yet another group!  I am now a new member of the New West Artists.  Why, since I am already a member of the Richmond Artists Guild?  I don't even live in New Westminster!  I think, in part, that I need another avenue to explore, new people around me to inspire me, an outlet for my bottled up creativity.  I must have ADD.  I can't stay focused on one thing for too long before I have this sudden urge to move on in another direction.  Take my writing, for instance...I have a book halfway done but inevitably something else grabs my attention and the book gets put aside while I bound towards the thing that attracts me at that moment.  I throw myself into the new project with abandon, then just as quickly as I was drawn to it, (you guessed it) I find something new to try.  At this time I am juggling my painting and writing but they are mostly solo projects.  Add to that my new interest in metal detecting and the old "seeker of lost books" (again solo) and you can see my dilemma.  Hence, I join groups.  Will it help me in the long run?  I doubt it..but it makes life interesting and sure beats sitting around home all day.

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